Compiled and Edited by:
Nancy B. Simmons and Andrea L. Cirranello
American Museum of Natural History

Your search for Anoura peruana resulted in 1 species-level match:

Anoura Gray, 1838. Mag. Zool. Bot. 2: 490.

Anoura geoffroyi Gray, 1838

Anoura peruana (Tschudi, 1844).
Untersuchungen über die Fauna Peruana 1844:71.
Peruvian Tailless Bat

Ch[oeronycteris] peruana


lasiopyga Peters, 1868


peruana Tschudi, 1844:

 antricola Anthony, 1921;

 apolinari J. A. Allen, 1916.


W Colombia, C Ecuador, W Peru, WC Bolivia

CITES - Not Listed IUCN - Least Concern (2019).

Distinct from geoffroyi; see Molinari et al. (2023). Considered a synonym or subspecies of geoffroyi by Thomas (1893), Sanborn (1933), and numerous others until recognized as a distinct species by Mantilla-Meluk and Baker (2010). Subsequent analyses by Calderón-Acevedo (2019) and Calderón-Acevedo et al. (2021, 2022) suggested that peruana was, in fact, a synonym or subspecies of geoffroyi. Molinari et al. (2023) provide a detailed review of the results of Calderón-Acevedo et al. (2022), and we follow their recommendation, along with the work of Mantilla-Meluk and Baker (2010), in recognizing peruna here. Includes lasiopyga, previously considered a subspecies of geoffroyi, as a valid subspecies; see Molinari et al. (2023). Includes apolinari; see Sanborn (1933) and Mantilla-Meluk and Baker (2010). Includes antricola; see Sanborn (1933). See also Vargas-Arboleda et al. (2020). The type of peruana may be lost; see Carter and Dolan (1978) and Turni and Kock (2008). For information on the type of lasiopyga see Arroyo-Cabrales and Gardner (2003). Although no type locality more specific than Peru was given with the original description, a later publication (Tschudi, 1845: 85) gives the locality as "Hacienda der Cejaregion 5000' ü. M. am Ostabhange der Binnencordillera", or Junín, Peru (Griffiths and Gardner, 2008).


Arroyo-Cabrales, J., and A.L. Gardner. 2003. The type specimen of Anoura geoffroyi lasiopyga (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 116: 737-741. Read article.

Calderón-Acevedo, C.A. 2019. Taxonomy, species limits, and phylogenetic relationships of Anoura Gray 1838 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). University of Missouri St. Louis. Read dissertation.

Calderón-Acevedo, C.A., J.C. Bagley, and N. Muchhala. 2022. Genome-wide ultraconserved elements resolve phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history among Neotropical leaf-nosed bats in the genus Anoura (Phyllostomidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 167: 107356. Read abstract.

Calderón-Acevedo, C.A., M.E. Rodríguez-Posada, and N.Muchhala. 2021. Morphology and genetics concur that Anoura carishina is a synonym of Anoura latidens (Chiroptera, Glossophaginae). Mammalia 2021:  000010151520200183. Read abstract.

Carter, D.C., and P.G. Dolan 1978.  Catalogue of type specimens of Neotropical bats in selected European museums. Special Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 15: 1-136. Read volume.

Griffiths, T.A., and A.L Gardner. 2008 [dated 2007]. Subfamily Glossophaginae Bonaparte, 1845.  Pages 224-244 In A.L. Gardner (eds.) Mammals of South America, Volume I. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Read abstract.

Mantilla-Meluk, H.,and R.J. Baker. 2010. New species of Anoura from Colombia, with systematic remarks and notes on the distribution of the A. geoffroyi complex. Occasional Papers, The Museum of Texas Tech University 292: 1-19. Read article.

Molinari, J., E.E. Gutiérrez, and B.K. Lim. 2023. Systematics and biogeography of Anoura cultrata (Mammalia: Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae): a morphometric, niche modeling, and genetic perspective, with a taxonomic reappraisal of the genus. Zootaxa 5297(2): 151-188. Read article.

Sanborn, C.C. 1933. Bats of the genera Anoura and LonchoglossaField Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series 20: 23-28. Read article.

Thomas, O. 1893. On some mammals from central Peru. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1893: 333-340. Read article.

Tschudi, J.J., von. 1845. Untersuchungen über die Fauna Peruana. Therologie, p.3, 4, 5 [Fauna Peruana]. Scheitlin und Zollikofer, St. Gallen: 77-244. Read volume.

Tschudi, J.J., von. 1844. Untersuchungen über die Fauna Peruana. Therologie, p.2 [Fauna Peruana]. Scheitlin und Zollikofer, St. Gallen: 21-76. Read volume.

Turni, H., and D. Kock. 2008. Type specimens of bats (Chiroptera: Mammalia) in the collections of the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. Zootaxa 1869(1): 1-82. Read abstract.

Vargas-Arboleda, A., S. Cuadrado-Ríos, and H. Mantilla-Meluk 2020. Systematic considerations on two species of nectarivorous bats (Anoura caudifer and A. geoffroyi) based on barcoding sequences. Acta Biológica Colombiana 25(2): 194-201. Read volume.